Anniversaries before kids:
Relaxed dinner, enjoying each other's company, leisurely eating your food, rushing home to bed to celebrate another year of marriage.
Anniversaries after kids:
Restaurant is too crowded to be in with baby, wait for what seems like an eternity because baby is heavy in your arms, worry about noise level in restaurant and hope it doesn't disturb baby, take baby to the bathroom to change wet diaper and there is nowhere to do it, end up changing her in her car seat because there is not another option in sight, get seated but table is too small to sit at with a car seat so you get put back on the waiting list, get seated a second time and sit down, realize baby is only wearing one shoe, search high and low for it all over crowded restaurant with no luck, baby starts crying so you check her diaper and discover that it needs to be changed again, undo diaper tabs and begin to change her again but WAIT! it's a blowout diaper, frantically look for a place to change her while diaper continues to spread up her back, spot a bench in the back you can use as a changing table, realize you have poop all over your sleeve, run to bathroom to wash it off while panicking because EW, roll up wet sleeve, spend several stinky minutes up to your elbows in baby poop while you clean her up, change her clothes, wash your hands, wash baby's hands, clean up mess from diaper, take shirt off and put on jacket, go to table and order food, find baby's shoe wrapped up in her blanket, play with baby to keep her entertained while you wait, get her to fall asleep, eat dinner, rush home to bed because you're exhausted.
True story.
As we were leaving the restaurant, Grayson turned to me and said, "I'm going to take the blame for this one. It was a bad choice of restaurant. Who knew the motorcycle crowd wouldn't be family friendly?" I died laughing.
Happy Anniversary, Grayson. Here's to 50 more.
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